The past 2 weeks I have been diving in to the iPhone SDK and the limited options for programming native applications on the iPhone platform. I started off thinking that it was absolutely required to know Objective-C for programming in Apple's Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks, so I tried to learn Obj-C. Within a day or so, I gave up on that seemingly complex, obscure, ugly language and set out to find a different approach. I soon found PhoneGap; a framework that allows native iPhone apps to be developed in html, css, and, of course, javascript. I programmed in plain javascript (with jQuery) and html for a few days, but once again found there to be some problems. I found DashCode (that came with the Apple SDK), in which I can develop native-looking Mobile Safari applications in javascript. Combining the powers of PhoneGap framework and DashCode, I am now able to use a nice drag-and-drop IDE to build javascript-run, native-looking iPhone applications.
I will release some tutorials on my YouTube channel later on using these tools together, and write another blog post about my upcoming applications.
Nice post. As you are working on iPhone Application Development, you can share your innocations and scripts in the field of iphone on this blog. It would be helpful to other iPhone Developers too.