Sunday, January 31, 2010

KABQ (Albuquerque Int'l sunport, NM) LiveATC Feed

A bit off of my normal topics, but I am currently hosting an Albuquerque International Sunport area LiveATC feed that currently has 4 or 5 Albuquerque approach sectors, ABQ tower, ground, delivery, and also the different pilot unicoms for the smaller uncontrolled airports in the area.

If you are in the Albuquerque area, or you are just curious about the air traffic control and pilot comms around the airport, this is a great resource for you.

On a side note: If you live in the Albuquerque/Rio Rancho/Bernalillo/Los Lunas area and you have a scanner, I would like to know. Reason being is that I have been wanting somebody to at some point host a 'parallel' feed for the Double Eagle airport local control tower. Or, a feed for Albuquerque Center would be awesome!

The link:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Setting Crontabs in Mac OS X

It has been a while since I last posted, but I have a new tutorial for everybody... Settings cron jobs through the "crontabs" command in an SSH terminal.

To start, open up the terminal, and type ssh myUsername@myUrl. The terminal program will then prompt you for your password to access the remote server.

Once you have been successfully authenticated and logged into your remote server, you may then begin sending commands to it.

The basic crontab commands:

crontab -l   (display the currently loaded cron jobs on the server)

crontab -e   (add, edit, and delete individual cron jobs on the server, this will be displayed as a table)
  • Once this command has been issued, you simply begin typing text to invoke the INSERT mode.
  • Example cron: */5 * * * *
    • This cron simply runs the "" url every 5 minutes
    • Use the format [minutes (0 - 59)] [hours (0 - 23)] [day of month (1 - 31)][month (1 - 12)][day of week (0 - 6)] [COMMAND]
  • When you are done editing your scheduled cron jobs, simply press ESC, and type :wq to save the changes to the server.
  • That is it for editing crons!

crontab -r   (CAUTION: removes all crontabs stored on the server's crontab file)

crontab -v   (display the last time the crontab file was edited on the server)

If you do not want to type ssh myUsername@myUrl each time you connect, go into the Mac OS X terminal 's top bar and go into the "Shell" drop-down. Once there go to "New Remote Connection..." and add your remote server's details through the graphical interface.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


After a few days of coding and testing, I have begun to find my way around the Dashcode IDE.

Also, with the help of the PhoneGap UIControls class, I am able to add a TabBar at the bottom of my native application that makes it seem even more of a native Objective-C app. I am working towards making a youtube video tutorial series on Dashcode and/or PhoneGap for creating native javascript applications in iPhone.


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Check Internet Connection in iPhone

Here is a quick code snippet for you. In a Dashcode javascript application, you can check if the user is connected to the internet via the following code:

  var online = window.navigator.onLine;
  if (!online){
    alert('You are not currently connected to the internet. Please try again later.');

The Latest Dashcode Problem

I think that it sounds silly, but, now that I have figured out all the other problems in my GUI interface, I now am unable to add more than 2 views to my stack within the "browser" component. I can add new view stacks, but the problem is that they appear outside of my original browser component, requiring that I re-create that. Then, there is the problem of me not being able to edit the canvas for that new view stack (or group).

If there are any Dashcode developers out there that can help me out, please comment.

Thanks for visiting my new Blog!

Found Solution to Row Selection Problem in Dashcode

So after a while of playing around, I found that my problems earlier were due simply because I was trying to get data from the wrong datasource.

A quick and simple tip for everybody so that you do not have to go through what I did:
Make sure that you are trying get your selected data from your list datasource, not the original datasource for the list (if that makes sense).

Here is some code:

function myRowClickHandler(event){
  // make sure to grab the datasource specifically for your list
  var myDataSource = dashcode.getDataSource('myList');
  // Simply alert out the selected row data

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Latest iPhone/Dashcode Problem

So I have spent the past hour trying to pioneer my way through the iPhone web application SDK (with a minimal amount of documentation/examples from Apple, might I add). Apple does NOT include a very impressive amount of documentation, so I am required to experiment for myself.

I have binded my list with a JSON data source and all, but now I need to find out how to grab just the selected row's JSON element. I have found the "myDatasource.selection()..." object, but when I output this filtered result, it still gives me the whole dataset. Any suggestions, help, or advice? My lack of plain javascript skill shows in this situation.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

iPhone Application Development Update

First off, I would like to welcome everybody to my new blog page. Here I will be posting my computer programming and web development experiences. Shall we get started?

The past 2 weeks I have been diving in to the iPhone SDK and the limited options for programming native applications on the iPhone platform. I started off thinking that it was absolutely required to know Objective-C for programming in Apple's Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks, so I tried to learn Obj-C. Within a day or so, I gave up on that seemingly complex, obscure, ugly language and set out to find a different approach. I soon found PhoneGap; a framework that allows native iPhone apps to be developed in html, css, and, of course, javascript. I programmed in plain javascript (with jQuery) and html for a few days, but once again found there to be some problems. I found DashCode (that came with the Apple SDK), in which I can develop native-looking Mobile Safari applications in javascript. Combining the powers of PhoneGap framework and DashCode, I am now able to use a nice drag-and-drop IDE to build javascript-run, native-looking iPhone applications.

I will release some tutorials on my YouTube channel later on using these tools together, and write another blog post about my upcoming applications.